Tuesday, January 7, 2014

summer love part 2

It isn't done yet. God has been so hood to me, really he started showing me his goodness, from a very fun summer activity a day during that 10 days, i was absent to attend a church conference, it was extremely fun and inspiring as usual, i learned A LOT!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How do you celebrate your November 1?

People here in the Philippines would usually go to the cemetery and visit their relatives who passed away. My family and I do the same thing.

This year is the first November 01 where i will be visiting my two grand mothers (My mom's mom and my dad's mom), i've been used with visiting our relatives who passed away when i wasn't born yet or those who died when i was still young.

Going to the cemetery had been a tradition, I don't think we go there to sincerely talk to the souls of or relatives or whatsoever, maybe to remember them but we believe that those souls or bones or spirits wouldn't even hear and see us anymore. A far as i can remember my lola never went to lolo's tomb for that reason that lolo's not conscious anymore so why bother to go. But this moment serves as a way to see our relatives who are visiting their other relatives as well, "mini reunion", time to greet each other and yes., remember thtose who passed away already. They might not be conscious enymore but this would just remind us of theire goodness and the times we spent with them.

This year, we went to different tomb's of my grandparents, my great grandparents etc. Here are some pictures of their nice "houses".

Lolo Basilio and Nanay Ana

Lolo Itong and Lola Menang

Lolo Isis

Lolo Ben

Tatay Ikoy and Nanay Aning et. al

Imagine all these tombs are well done, even made out of pebbles and tiles when some people don't even have houses. Thank God for the blessing. 

I just realized how we can't have some things back again, I miss my grand parents. As people would always remind everyone, make the most out of your everyday with your loved ones. Do it while you can. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Schedule for 3rd term

Nakakabaliw pala gumawa ng sched... anyway, ang hirap.. i have to choose a cluster then fill that schedule with my floating subjects. Its a matter of choosing and thinking of a better schedule. A51, choosing that cluster would require me to go to school for 5 days.. and i dnt want to do that anymore, based on what i am experiencing now, keri naman but i would prefer having a rest day. but the advantage with this schedule s that i get to go to school not too early and leave school early.. super flat ng sched..  its organize and the subjects are the one that i really prefer to take up. not considering other people i would take this rather than getting a 4 day class. A52, my block mates had been my basis of taking that or wanting to get that, my section this term has been the best section for me. we're active, we re recite a lot that made our profs want us (in our own imagination :D ) and they're all going to A52, i would want to be with them kasi feeling ko mas magiging ok yung prof..  the profs are better. or they will act better. In this case, kahit magulo yung sched ko, the fact that i think I'm with "better" group of classmate.. ill be experiencing better major classes, i was thinking of taking up that cluster. ang labo. i dnt really know what o choose. i think at the end it will boil down to what i really want. Deep inside of me something's speaking, don't go somewhere just because everybody goes there.. i will be in good hands whenever i would want to go because I'm the righteousness of God. I am favored of the lord, i am wise,  I'm blessed so it doesn't really matter if I'm with them or not. After all its not them, its me who has God that will be the solution for everything and that would give out the best sched for me. i think now i have decided. :D we'll see tom. how things would go :D

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Been planning to update this blog and write again, to write again in constant matter. But "time" doesn't permit me oo, or i was just too lazy and busy doing things that are not really worth wasting my time for. And now, been searching the net, wasting my time agin, opened my tumblr which i don't really do, saw a friend's blog and started to stalk her :D there are a lot of person wha has been influencing me, inspiring me and they didn't know about it and one of that person s her. I admire her :D look into her blog, her stories and everything.. and now I'm writing again, just realize that really i have to continue this thing :D

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

summer love

It's been a while since i last had my blog, so ill start updatingwhile waiting for my crack nail polish to dry up and crack :)

I had the best summer thus far! :)

I had few days of summer compared to other college students for my school is in a trimestral system, i had a month of summer break and a few weeks and days that i was able to spent productively. :)

My 1st week was spend chilling, making up with my friends, bonding with them and trying to make up for the days i haven't bond with my friends because of busy schedule. Those days are also time for residency for an organization i am part of. Also we get to spend some time in our province.

So there, and the productive days comes: the biggest activity and job for the organization i am part of. We help in orienting first year students and that went on for 10 days; wake up everyday at 4-4:30 leave home by 5-5:30 because we have to be in school at exactly 6 am; that was a very tiring week but also fun to think that i just stress and tire myself for something i won't get any benefit, no additional grades or money involve, it is full service and in line with that i realized something :

   We should not always do things for a concrete advantage; sometimes we just do things because we want to. we may not see a physical evidence or reward of doing something but there would always be a hidden advantage. With what i did, yes i got very tired, i looked huggard, i loose weight but behind all those i gained much more things. Life lessons you could never learn in other ways,  met new people, i gained friends, bonding with them, relationships and training that could be used for jobs in the future. It was fun fun fun. I also get to try varieties of food in KFC, ate A LOT (that's why i don't understand why i lost weight) and maybe i also get to touch other people and inspire them.

That summer activity was wrapped up with a culmi night where we had an activity, time to tell people how good they are, to tell them good stuff. After that i just get to appreciate myself even more. They told me how good i am, how they see me in their ways, they just told me alot of good words which i didn't really expect. I didnt saw myself doing good during that time but they saw it, the saw all my efforts and hardworks and i'm really thankful. sometimes we just want to get appreciated for all that we're doing. basta, that time tears just flowed.

i prayed for that organization, i prayed to be part of them and it was not and easy hing being there, i went a lot and it just make  me really happy knowing that they appreciate your work and see my efforts.

i love everyone from my org. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Things happen for a reason

I do believe that everything has a reason, every action, emotions, facial expression has a reason. People act the way they do not because it is innate with them (though there are some exceptions) but people has their own reasons. we would be mad to a specific person for doing a bad act, but really have you though of the reason why he had done that. Maybe you yourself had been an instrument why he has to do that bad act. Think about it.

I am not a perfect person, i blame people, i get mad but once in awhile these things goes through my mind, what may be the reason why they act that certain way. For example, as simple as this.. when i was young my mom would asked me to wear skirt or shorts and i do not want, and for them.. ang MANANG ko daw, but not really, i just see myself with big fat hairy legs kaya ayaw ko, if that would be small i would be more than willing to be in shorts. another thing.. in the show mara clara.. haha.. si alvira, is acting differently not because that is what she wants but she is just trying to use that pretending to be able to save her family.

I get mad, i question people but really i want to understand them. i am trying to, though it is really hard. i would want to find out why they act that certain way, may kasalanan ba ako, may nagawa ba ako. i want to understand people specially those whom i live with and those who are very close to me. So i just have to observe, understand them and maybe someday try to make a move and talk to them.


Kinkilig ako.. haha, i have been browsing friendster and it just makes me smile, reminisce the moments i had before.

We may find friendster a very lame social networking site already but we will never have facebook, twitter, tumblr etc. without it. I'm sure you all enjoyed using that social networking site as well. Friendster is a place to  tell a person how important he or she is. If now we have wall posts where we have simple conversations with people, before we had testimonial where we describe our friends or people whom we are not even close to, we tell them how good they are, whether they're pretty or whatever description we could tell about them and reading through my testimonials i just feel loved. i feel better about myself, (ganun pala ako) sometimes kulang din ako sa pansin, i want people to notice that's why i work hard, oo nga.. i just realize that characteristic of mine, one reason why I do things other than doing it because i want to and because i want to succeed in the future, i also want people to be proud of me.

Anyway, kinilig lang ako sa testimonials, people had been sweet, people said im pretty, im good.. well, testimonials that would require something back if someone gave you one so be sure that you would response and give him/her a testimonial too.. it evolved from description to graphics, quotes until it became a place where people simply communicate just as how we use our twitters and facebook.

friendster is fun. well, save your profiles now before it just crashed up this may 31, 2011 :)