Tuesday, June 7, 2011

summer love

It's been a while since i last had my blog, so ill start updatingwhile waiting for my crack nail polish to dry up and crack :)

I had the best summer thus far! :)

I had few days of summer compared to other college students for my school is in a trimestral system, i had a month of summer break and a few weeks and days that i was able to spent productively. :)

My 1st week was spend chilling, making up with my friends, bonding with them and trying to make up for the days i haven't bond with my friends because of busy schedule. Those days are also time for residency for an organization i am part of. Also we get to spend some time in our province.

So there, and the productive days comes: the biggest activity and job for the organization i am part of. We help in orienting first year students and that went on for 10 days; wake up everyday at 4-4:30 leave home by 5-5:30 because we have to be in school at exactly 6 am; that was a very tiring week but also fun to think that i just stress and tire myself for something i won't get any benefit, no additional grades or money involve, it is full service and in line with that i realized something :

   We should not always do things for a concrete advantage; sometimes we just do things because we want to. we may not see a physical evidence or reward of doing something but there would always be a hidden advantage. With what i did, yes i got very tired, i looked huggard, i loose weight but behind all those i gained much more things. Life lessons you could never learn in other ways,  met new people, i gained friends, bonding with them, relationships and training that could be used for jobs in the future. It was fun fun fun. I also get to try varieties of food in KFC, ate A LOT (that's why i don't understand why i lost weight) and maybe i also get to touch other people and inspire them.

That summer activity was wrapped up with a culmi night where we had an activity, time to tell people how good they are, to tell them good stuff. After that i just get to appreciate myself even more. They told me how good i am, how they see me in their ways, they just told me alot of good words which i didn't really expect. I didnt saw myself doing good during that time but they saw it, the saw all my efforts and hardworks and i'm really thankful. sometimes we just want to get appreciated for all that we're doing. basta, that time tears just flowed.

i prayed for that organization, i prayed to be part of them and it was not and easy hing being there, i went a lot and it just make  me really happy knowing that they appreciate your work and see my efforts.

i love everyone from my org. :)

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