Thursday, November 1, 2012

How do you celebrate your November 1?

People here in the Philippines would usually go to the cemetery and visit their relatives who passed away. My family and I do the same thing.

This year is the first November 01 where i will be visiting my two grand mothers (My mom's mom and my dad's mom), i've been used with visiting our relatives who passed away when i wasn't born yet or those who died when i was still young.

Going to the cemetery had been a tradition, I don't think we go there to sincerely talk to the souls of or relatives or whatsoever, maybe to remember them but we believe that those souls or bones or spirits wouldn't even hear and see us anymore. A far as i can remember my lola never went to lolo's tomb for that reason that lolo's not conscious anymore so why bother to go. But this moment serves as a way to see our relatives who are visiting their other relatives as well, "mini reunion", time to greet each other and yes., remember thtose who passed away already. They might not be conscious enymore but this would just remind us of theire goodness and the times we spent with them.

This year, we went to different tomb's of my grandparents, my great grandparents etc. Here are some pictures of their nice "houses".

Lolo Basilio and Nanay Ana

Lolo Itong and Lola Menang

Lolo Isis

Lolo Ben

Tatay Ikoy and Nanay Aning et. al

Imagine all these tombs are well done, even made out of pebbles and tiles when some people don't even have houses. Thank God for the blessing. 

I just realized how we can't have some things back again, I miss my grand parents. As people would always remind everyone, make the most out of your everyday with your loved ones. Do it while you can.